Do Field Partners Add Value To Crowdfunded Microfinance? An Industry Approach

The framework of this study is the field of crowdfunded microfinance that represents a way to scale up financial access, leveraging digital technology applications. A key element of this value chain is the field partner, represented by a local Microfinance Institution (MFI) that intermediates between the crowdfunding platform and the individual or group borrowers. In this context, the main objective of this paper is to measure the financial and prosocial contribution of field partners through crowdfunded microloans. Methodologically, this prosocial impact is measured with an innovative approach, by using network theory to describe the supply and value chains that link crowdfunding investors to field partners and, consequently, to micro-borrowers. The main contribution of this study is the introduction of a global indicator able to quantify the increase of the social impact and the financial system of a country, coming from the presence of ESG-compliant crowdfunded microloans.

Business Models and Sustainability Plans in the FinTech, InsurTech, and PropTech Industry: Evidence from Spain

After describing the main features of the Spanish companies belonging to the FinTech, InsurTech, and PropTech sectors, the main objective of this study is to analyze whether their B2B/B2C business models are related to the existence of sustainability plans. Specifically, this paper analyzes whether the existence of a sustainability department is a determining factor for the business model adopted by the Spanish FinTechs, InsurTechs, and PropTechs. By using the multinomial logit regression, other factors such as the current closeness of companies to the sustainable development goals (SDGs), the sensitivity to domestic and European FinTech/InsurTech regulations, and the perception of FinTechs about such European regulations are debated before conclusions are drawn for a future research agenda.

The Valuation of Digital Intangibles.Technology, Marketing, and the Metaverse

The Valuation of Digital Intangibles

Startup Valuation. From Strategic Business Planning to Digital Networking

La valutazione del portafoglio clienti: avviamento e concorrenza sleale

Il portafoglio clienti costituisce un asset rilevante per ciascuna azienda e, se acquisito a titolo oneroso, è di norma rappresentato all’interno della voce avviamento. Accanto alle tradizionali metodologie di valutazione delle aziende (metodo misto con stima autonoma dell’avviamento), ve ne sono di specifiche (Customer Lifetime Value, opzioni reali o criterio equitativo del MOL). La customer equity (patrimonio di clientela) rappresenta il valore economico delle relazioni con i clienti, in un’ottica di patrimonializzazione del valore del portafoglio clientela, che assume rilievo nell’ambito di atti di concorrenza sleale volti alla sottrazione/sviamento/storno di clientela.

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